Cassandra Decker

Cassandra Decker is a socio-cultural, economic anthropologist who specializes in using data to create stories. She writes for both academic and community-based outlets.

Decker also has an English degree from the University of Iowa and has been involved in programs with the Iowa Writer’s Workshop. She is currently writing two pieces. The first is a novel about domestic violence and the disastrous effects of gaslighting and abuse. The second builds upon former academic research around the resurgence of the vampire myth and its reflection on, and influence upon, current and emerging cultural norms.


Authentic Research, Teaching, Events, and Assessments for Economic Prosperity: The STEAM of Responsive Education

Cassandra and colleague, Dr. Decker, published a chapter in the book Education 3.0 and eLearning Across Modalities outlining the importance of community-engaged research prior to the development and execution of initiatives such as programs, projects, and educational events in the region. It focuses on community redevelopment areas and other regions with high poverty rates.

Community Partnership School - Needs Assessment

In 2019, Decker and Dr. Arney conducted an in-depth assessment of a community whose school was in transition to become a Community Partnership School.  A report was produced that speaks to the hopes, desires, and fears of the community.

Access here.    How to cite:

Lance Arney and Cassandra Decker. 2019. “Speak up for our kids”: A Guide for Addressing Community Needs to Inform the Priorities, Programming, Service Delivery, and Development of the Community Partnership School for the Manatee Elementary Attendance Zone. Bradenton, FL: Social Impact Analytics.

The “Other” Side of Wall Street: Banking, Policies,and Adaptive Methods of U.S. Migrant Workers

Decker produced a research ethnography during her Master’s education that focuses on the financial industry and how it disadvantages farmers and migrant workers beyond the topic of documentation.  The work can be found here.

Upcoming Work...

Decker will be releasing a short, fiction novel that sheds light on the difficulties of recognizing domestic abuse in, what appears to be, a loving relationship. Release date to be determined.

She is also actively conducting research to build upon former studies regarding the shift in the vampire myth and its relationship with female consciousness and convergence culture. 

Authentic Research

Community Partnership School

Please see attached document above

The "Other" Side of Wall Street

Please click here. 

 National Coalition Against
Domestic Violence

One of Cassandra’s top recommendations for nonprofits to support is the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Explore the programs provided here and please consider donating here

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